· Java 5.0 JRE
Installation steps
· 1. Install Eclipse Indigo or Helios (unzip download file from above)
· 2. Run eclipse.exe
· 3. When eclipse opens, go to Help > Install New Software...
· 4. Click "Add..." button to open Add Site dialog
· 5. Type in Liferay IDE for name, and location use one of the following URLs
Eclipse Indigo Update sites
Indigo release nightly URL - (Unstable version)
Eclipse Helios Update sites
Helios release nightly URL - (Unstable version)
· 6. Select OK
· 7. Select the Liferay IDE site from the combo selection box.
· 8. When the table refreshes you should see Liferay Tooling category and one entry for Liferay IDE feature, select the checkbox to install the feature.
· 9. Click Next and then click Finish to begin the install
· 10. After plugins download and install you will have to accept that the content is unsigned and then restart eclipse.
· 11. After you restart, go to Help > About Eclipse and you should see a Icon badge for Liferay IDE that shows you have it properly installed.
Liferay Plug-ins SDK Setup
Requirements before getting started
· 1. Liferay Portal 6.0 (RC2 or greater) downloaded and installed (or download in the IDE itself)
· 2. Liferay Plug-ins SDK 6.0 (RC2 or greater) downloaded and installed (or download in the IDE itself)
· 3. Eclipse Helios/Galileo Java EE for developers package.
Liferay Plug-ins SDK Setup
Before you can begin creating new Liferay plug-in projects, a Liferay Plug-ins SDK and Liferay Portal must be installed and configured in the IDE.
· 1. Open Eclipse with Liferay IDE installed.
· 2. Open Preference page for Liferay > Installed SDKs ( Go to Window > Preferences > Liferay > Installed SDKs )
· 3. If you have not already downloaded the Liferay Plug-ins SDK for your portal version you can download it from Liferay downloads page. Liferay plugin sdk is located available in the "portal" folder. In the "portal" folder, select the Liferay version matching the Liferay version. Within this folder, look for (usually the last file).
· 4. Add your SDK using the Add button which brings up the Add SDK Dialog:
· 5. Browse to the location of your Plug-ins SDK installation.
· 6. The default name is the name of the directory but you can change it if you wish.
· 7. Select OK and you should see your SDK in the list of Installed SDKs.
Note: multiple SDKs can be added to the preferences but you will need to select at least one SDK to be the default which is represented by the SDK that has the checkbox selected.
Note: if you have version 6.0.4 of Liferay Portal and the Plugin SDK, you will need to change your file. The SDK plugin assumes you have installed the SDK at the same level (same directory) as the portal directory. In the line
· app.server.dir=${project.dir}/../bundles/app_server_name of you have to change bundles with the name of the Liferay portal installation directory e.g. liferay-portal-6.0.4.
Otherwise, portlets created with the SDK plugin will not be deployed by Ant.